There are two ways to pan the map
The zoom controls are located at the top left of the map, just below the pan controls. Use the plus () button for zooming in and the minus () button for zooming out.
Territory Guru has three modes for the map. Each mode controls what happens when you drag the mouse cursor across the map. A map is always in one of the following modes and you can tell which mode the map is in by checking for the depressed button in the map modes control toward the top left of the map.
In all three modes, the following methods of territory assignment work consistently.
This mode pans the map when you drag the mouse cursor across the map. Territory assignment in this mode works as described above.
In this mode, it is only possible to assign a single area at a time
You can temporarily enable the modes below by holding down their respective keys. For Bulk assign mode, hold down the "Ctrl" key (Windows) or "Cmd" key (Mac). For bulk un-assign mode, hold down the "Alt" key. Once you stop pressing the key, the mode is reverted back to pan mode.
This mode draws a rectangular box when you drag the mouse cursor across the map. All unassigned areas whose center falls within the rectangle will be assigned to the selected territory. Use this mode to assign large tracts of unassigned area to the selected territory.
Like the Bulk assign mode, this mode draws a rectangular box when you drag the mouse cursor across the map. The difference is that all areas assigned to the selected territory whose center falls within the rectangle will be un-assigned from the selected territory. Use this mode to un-assign large tracts of assigned area from the selected territory.
The structure of a Territory Guru map is hierarchical with the following levels.
You must create a Map before you can create a territory group and you must create a territory group before you can create a territory.
Once you have created a territory, you can then assign areas to the territory.
If you require multiple types of territories, e.g. for different products or product groups, this can be accomplished by creating multiple territory maps.
Most map management tasks can be handled via the "Manage Maps" interface. Access this interface by choosing "Open / Manage" from the "Territory Map" menu.
Create a new map by choosing "New" from the "Territory Map" menu or by going to the "Manage Maps" interface and pressing the "Add Map" button.
The territory management control panel is accessed by pressing the icon at the top of the control panel to the right of the map.
Create new groups by pressing the button at the top of the territory management control panel.
Remove and modify group names by pressing the button at the top of the territory management control panel.
The territory management control panel shows the territories belonging to the currently selected territory group. The current territory group can be changed with the territory group dropdown on the panel.
To modify a territory, it needs to be part of the currently selected territory group.
Methods for territory assignment depend on the current map mode. Regardless of map mode, the following methods of territory assignment will always work.
Territory Guru includes an import wizard that allows you to import your existing territory designs into the application. Following are some guidelines to help you format your CSV file in the correct format for the import wizard.
The key field such as postcode or SA2 code is the most important. Each row in your file needs to contain a valid value for the key field. Each value should be unique within the file. If the wizard does not recognise your key field make sure it has the correct format as outlined below.
Format | Suggested Column Name |
exactly 4 digits (e.g. 2000) | postcode |
Format | Suggested Column Name |
exactly 5 digits OR exactly 9 digits (e.g. 10123) | sa2 |
This is the territory that the area identified by the key field is assigned to. Each unique value in this column results in a new territory being created. Please note that if you have two territories with identical names but belonging to different territory groups (see below), the import wizard will create two distinct territories.
Format | Suggested Column Name |
free form text | territory |
A logical grouping of territories. If no territory group field is defined, all territories will be created in the "___default___" territory group. Please note that if you have two territories with identical names but belonging to different territory groups, the import wizard will create two distinct territories.
Format | Suggested Column Name |
free form text | group |
The colour that should be associated with the territory.
Format | Suggested Column Name |
Standard HEX colour format (e.g. '#34AF67') | colour |
PDF maps can be generated for printing at various sizes. Access the PDF generation control panel by clicking the icon at the top of the control panel to the right of the map. The following options are available when generating a pdf map.
Choose the approximate size for the PDF map. Available sizes range from A5 to A0.
This option allows you to set the opacity of the fill colour for the territories on the PDF map
0 is totally transparent and no fill colour will be visible. 1 is totally opaque and no details in the underlying map will be visible. 0.5 is the default opacity that is used in the territory guru application map view.
Press the Generate PDF button to start generating a PDF map. The map can take up to a few minutes especially for maps that contain a lot of detail. e.g. those that are either large in size or cover a large geographic area.
Once the PDF map is generated, the file will start to download.